Thursday, June 24, 2010


Kathrine Crane states in the last paragraph of her story "Rights and Obligations" that she made excuses and never went back. She explains how she worried but still avoided it. I do the exact same thing when something or someone makes me uneasy. I tend to avoid the situation at all cost. Where as in the story "The fourth of July" The girl explains how she was mad but still never did anything even though she wanted to. She couldnt understand why her parents and siblings didn't do anything either. Now in this case, I would have spoken my peace right there in the store. If it makes me mad or angry then I stand up for myself.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Spanking: it should be enforced

I strongly believe that parents need to spank their children when they have exhausted ever other method. Children are getting way to out of hand in the world we live in today. They do not know discipline. They are learning threats and no follow through. so how is that going to work in the long run. How are they going to handle a boss that corrects them for doing wrong? whine until they get their way. I hardly believe that is gonna work. Children nowadays are being tought that everone is equal and everyone is not equal. You have to be disciplined, you have to lose a football game, you have to be shown failure so that you can learn from it and grow. I do not believe in the creation of big babys the world is turning the adolesance into today. Sally Lieber an assemblywoman for the state of California etried to pass a bill that banned spanking of any kind. That lady, in my opinion, has lost her ever loving mind. She for one was not spanked as a child and chance could easily be that she never needed one. I was only spanked one time that I can actually remember but the discipline still stood and I never got caught doing that again. But sometimes a child is so bad that a good pop is all that will work.
In this picture she is not actually reveiling anything but yet the picture is probably considered to be porn. In the picture below she is completely nude but yet the message it is sending would not be considered porn. So how is it possible for someone to be clothed and it be considered porn and someone be completely naked and it not be. Once again it is all about the surrounding, the nature of the picture, the type of images, what the picture is trying to say. That is what would need to be taking into consideration on wheather or not it is porn.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Porn on a Plane

Being allowed to view porn on a plane is crazy. Why anyone would even want to address this issue is beyond me. Porn is something that should be keep in the comfort of your own home. In many forms you are vilolating the public decency law. Unless the entire occupancy of the plane is fully aware of the videos being viewed and are over the age of 18 then I feel it is going to offend way to many of the passangers. In my mind porn is used as prop to perform something else. It is just going to cause way to many issues if you ask me and if you do allow it, it is just going to open a whole other can of worms.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Blackman and Public Space

From the very beginning, this story kept me intrigued. He starts the story off as if he is a criminal describing his victims. Then through out the rest of the story, a whole different picture starts to come to life. He does not have victims, he is the victim. What is sad though is that this story is so true. Even though stereotyping has decreased in the last couple of years it continues to be an issue. If one was to see a teenager walking down the street with jeans down pass their butt and chains around their next, thug or troubled kid up to no good would probably come to ones mind but whos not to say in reality that the persons not a strait A student and top of their class. We have, for some reason, establish opinions of different types of people over the century that have seems to stick. Its not right. Where doing people get off thinking that one type of person is better than another. We are all human being and need to be equal in each other eyes. Ok what im gonna contridict what i just said because the murders, rapist, and those that cause harm to children are no longer human beings and need to be wiped from the face of the earth but other then those animals everyone is a human being. I believe that society has become more acceptant to the diversity of the nation but a black man wondering the streets of a upper scaled white neighbor hood is still going to raise an eyebrow to some.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Illegal Immigrants

Illegal Immigration has become a major issue in the United States today. We as a nation have aquired a negitive outlook at the whole situtation. Instead of looking at it negatively, why dont we come up with a solution to turn it into a positive. Instead of deporting them back to the countries they came from we should establish some guidelines to follow to benefit from. Such as facilitating permant housing for those that have received degrees from our universities. we should also figure out a way to tax there wages that they are receiving or require that English courses are taken so that they are able to communicate proficantly with US citizens. They are willing to preform the work that American citizens would rather not do. There for utilize them in a positive way. In doing so they should not get special treatment from the government and should be treated equal in the same way that the Americans born and raised here are. This though should only apply to those that are here trying to better their lives and those of their family. Not to be confused with those that are here to perform illegal acts, such as drugs and violence. They should however be held responsible for their actions and prosecued in the States and not deported with a slap on the wrist and a threat not to return.