Monday, June 21, 2010

Spanking: it should be enforced

I strongly believe that parents need to spank their children when they have exhausted ever other method. Children are getting way to out of hand in the world we live in today. They do not know discipline. They are learning threats and no follow through. so how is that going to work in the long run. How are they going to handle a boss that corrects them for doing wrong? whine until they get their way. I hardly believe that is gonna work. Children nowadays are being tought that everone is equal and everyone is not equal. You have to be disciplined, you have to lose a football game, you have to be shown failure so that you can learn from it and grow. I do not believe in the creation of big babys the world is turning the adolesance into today. Sally Lieber an assemblywoman for the state of California etried to pass a bill that banned spanking of any kind. That lady, in my opinion, has lost her ever loving mind. She for one was not spanked as a child and chance could easily be that she never needed one. I was only spanked one time that I can actually remember but the discipline still stood and I never got caught doing that again. But sometimes a child is so bad that a good pop is all that will work.

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