Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Illegal Immigrants

Illegal Immigration has become a major issue in the United States today. We as a nation have aquired a negitive outlook at the whole situtation. Instead of looking at it negatively, why dont we come up with a solution to turn it into a positive. Instead of deporting them back to the countries they came from we should establish some guidelines to follow to benefit from. Such as facilitating permant housing for those that have received degrees from our universities. we should also figure out a way to tax there wages that they are receiving or require that English courses are taken so that they are able to communicate proficantly with US citizens. They are willing to preform the work that American citizens would rather not do. There for utilize them in a positive way. In doing so they should not get special treatment from the government and should be treated equal in the same way that the Americans born and raised here are. This though should only apply to those that are here trying to better their lives and those of their family. Not to be confused with those that are here to perform illegal acts, such as drugs and violence. They should however be held responsible for their actions and prosecued in the States and not deported with a slap on the wrist and a threat not to return.

1 comment:

  1. I think your new tactic in talking about how the problems in Mexico are contributing to the problem of immigration is an excellent idea. I think the originality of this angle will make for an excellent paper. I think your introduction will be the most important part of your essay. It will be essential that you set this essay up in a way that makes the argument flow once you get to the body paragraphs.
