Monday, June 14, 2010

Blackman and Public Space

From the very beginning, this story kept me intrigued. He starts the story off as if he is a criminal describing his victims. Then through out the rest of the story, a whole different picture starts to come to life. He does not have victims, he is the victim. What is sad though is that this story is so true. Even though stereotyping has decreased in the last couple of years it continues to be an issue. If one was to see a teenager walking down the street with jeans down pass their butt and chains around their next, thug or troubled kid up to no good would probably come to ones mind but whos not to say in reality that the persons not a strait A student and top of their class. We have, for some reason, establish opinions of different types of people over the century that have seems to stick. Its not right. Where doing people get off thinking that one type of person is better than another. We are all human being and need to be equal in each other eyes. Ok what im gonna contridict what i just said because the murders, rapist, and those that cause harm to children are no longer human beings and need to be wiped from the face of the earth but other then those animals everyone is a human being. I believe that society has become more acceptant to the diversity of the nation but a black man wondering the streets of a upper scaled white neighbor hood is still going to raise an eyebrow to some.

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